Background image with dark blue and lighter blue wave pattern.



How To: Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee
You’ve seen it, we’ve all seen it…the barista in your favorite coffee shop weighs out a small volume of fresh beans, takes them to an overly large (and probably white) grinder and fiddles with a nob or dial before grinding the microscopic amount of coffee into some sort of cup made out of surgical grade steel. The barista then proceeds to prepare a paper filter in what appears to be a combination of origami and ritual hand washing.
What is Espresso?
In explaining coffee to the general public, us industry-folk go to a lot of trouble to compare it to other foods products. I often compare dark roasts to over-cooked meat, talk about the body of a cup in relation to different varietals of wine, explain roasting by likening it to popping popcorn, and we are all guilty of using different fruits, vegetables and chocolates when describing the flavour profile of a particular coffee...